Want to Import from China? We Help you Source in China.

Tell us what products you need, we can help you look for the suppliers and ask a quote, then you receive a free quote within 2 days.

china fob sourcing agent office

China Sourcing Agent

Sourcing, Buying, Shipping and Exporting.

We can help you sourcing in China at a very good price and good quality. Anyone know that you can easily find the suppliers of everything imaginable on Alibaba or other platforms. But how can you be sure that you are getting the best possible price and the best possible quality? Quite often you are talking to trading companies on Alibaba who claim they are the factory, maybe they are just the intermediary who add the profit on your cost to earn their money. Even if you are dealing directly with factories, communicate with Chinese suppliers is often a slow and difficult process, because they are cultural differences, language barriers and big time differences, but the biggest risk of all is supplier maybe deliver you bad quality products, even if the first sample they sent was great. Here is no returning bad products in China, no resource for your lost money. You will be stuck in bad quality products, expensive shipping and your money will gone for goods…

  • Professional
  • One stop purchasing service
  • Valuable products
  • Different kinds of products
  • Affordable service
  • We will be the right agent for you

Our Services

One-stop Sourcing Solution

From sourcing to delivery, We help you find factories, get competitive prices, follow up on production, ensure quality, and deliver products to your door.

Find Qualified Supplier

After receiving your inquiry, we will assign a professional customer representative to help you find qualified supplier. Confirming the details of your inquiry, we will forward your request to supplier and provide you a quote to you in 2 working days

Marketing Guiding

We can provide you a business assistant guiding to the wholesale market booths, shipping mall, factories to help you place the order

Visit Supplier Factory

Before cooperating with the supplier, if you need, we will help you visit the supplier factory and make a report for you

Manage Mass Production

Once you place the order, we offer complete packaging solution to customize your products. And also help you coordinate between you and the supplier to make production as smooth as possible.

Quality Control and Inspection

It’s our mission to inspect all of your products before shipping. If there is any quality issues, we negotiate with supplier on your behalf and solve problems before the goods leave China

Arrange Shipping

After goods inspection, we arrange shipping from China to your destination, though options including sea freight, air freight or air express.

Simple Steps Work with Us

The general steps involved in using a sourcing agent service, and depending on you and the products being sourced.

1. Identifying your product needs

Start by determining what products you want to source, the quantity you need, and your budget.

2. Initial communication

Contact and provide us with details about your product needs, budget, and any other specific requirements you have.

3. Supplier identification

We will use our network and database to identify potential suppliers that meet your requirements.

4. Sample evaluation

We will arrange for you to receive samples from the suppliers for evaluation.

5. Negotiating prices and terms

Once you have selected the preferred supplier, we will help negotiate the best price and terms for the purchase. Or you can do it yourself.

6. Quality control and inspection

We will ensure that the product is manufactured to your specifications and will arrange for quality control inspections.

7. Shipping and delivery

We will handle the logistics of shipping and delivery to ensure that the products reach you on time and in good condition.

8. After-sales support

We will continue to provide support after the sale, including resolving any issues that may arise and ensuring that future orders are processed smoothly.